
Monday, December 29, 2014

11 months old!

11 months old!

Weight: 22.8 lb


Clothing Size:
12-18 month solidly now. Still 12 month pajamas.

Size 4, and I think you'll be in these for a long time.
You really just eat whatever we eat now. You tried hard boiled eggs this month and that's a new favorite of yours. You still love bananas best. You also had ham at Christmas and you really enjoyed that as well. The only food you've tried that you didn't like was avocados. We tried them again yesterday, and you just smashed them into your high chair. You eat everything else though - peas, carrots, oranges, pineapple, asparagus, roast, potatoes - really anything!

You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You have been taking one good morning nap lately (around 2 hrs) and no afternoon nap. You still don't sleep at daycare.

Your first tooth is coming in! It's not all the way in yet, but one of your bottom middle teeth is sooo close to breaking all the way through. Its so weird to see it in your mouth. We've gone so long without teeth I was starting to fear you wouldn't get any.

You had a great first Christmas. You got so many toys you don't know what to play with. Your favorite toy is a riding elephant Oma and Oma got you. You push that thing around everywhere. You got to see your Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Troy, Catie, Erica, Mom Mom, Grandad, Uncle Justin, Oma, and Opa. You were the life of the party everywhere you went.
Saturday, November 29, 2014

10 months old!

Weight: 21.8 lbs according to the scale at home. That's the 75th-90th percentile.

Height: Around 29 in. You are probably longer, but I was being conservative. That's between the 50th-75th percentile.

Clothing Size:
12-18 month solidly now. Still 12 month pajamas.

Size 4. I tried using up the packages of size 3's we had, but it didn't go well.

You are starting to not want baby food, so you basically eat whatever we eat. At daycare, you eat off the big kid menu as well. You've tried pancakes, waffles, mandarin oranges, and more. You also ate what we at at Thanksgiving. You tried some of Oma's cranberry jello and it was your FAVORITE! You also love yogurt melts as a snack.

You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You usually take one good morning nap, and sometimes we can get an afternoon nap out of you.

You have started pulling up on everything and you want to walk desperately. You love playing at daycare and you are getting into EVERYTHING. You still have no teeth - I am enjoying the gummy smile while you still have it. You went and visited your new cousin Annabella in Atlanta this month. It was your first trip out of state. You did GREAT in the car, but you absolutely refused to sleep at their house. We packed up at 1 am and drove back home.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

9 months old!

Weight: 20 lb 11 oz

Height: 28.25 inches
Clothing Size:
You wear 12 or 12-18 month now. 9 month is now too small.

Size 4. We still have a few size 3 left, so I try to use those on the weekends.
You feeding schedule is the same, but we have been incorporating more "real" food into your diet. This past weekend your Oma and I took you to a Japanese restaurant and they gave you a plate of fried rice. You LOVED it! You also got it everywhere. It was cute watching you eat like a big girl at the restaurant.
Your hair has gotten so much longer. The back has really grown in too. Your eyes are still that blue!
You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You still take two naps (morning and afternoon) but you fight the afternoon one.

You have become VERY active and get into everything. You especially love trying to play with the dog's water bowl. You are trying to pull up on things and get frustrated when you fall. You are starting a new daycare on Monday, to one closer to our house, and I am interested to see how it goes. You loved your old daycare and especially loved stealing all the babies' pacifiers. I hope you like this new one just as much!
Monday, September 29, 2014

8 months old!

Weight: 20.6 lb

Height: 28 inches!

Clothing Size:
You are definitely in 12 month now. We still use 9 month pajamas, but I think within the next week or so you will be using your 12 month pajamas (and unfortunately, your Thanksgiving pajamas are 9 month size! That's okay, because you've been wearing them anyway).

Size 3 is getting snug, but you are still in the right weight for them. I don't want to move you to size 4 until we absolutely have to, because we still have SO many size 3. 
You now eat 6 oz of formula four times a day, and a fruit/veggie/yogurt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You've also recently tried some "real" food - scrambled eggs, stuffing, and white rice. You don't like the texture of real food, but it's growing on you. You also stopped spitting your puffs out when I would stick them in your mouth. You finally realized they would dissolve if you gave them a chance! Still no teeth to eat with, but that's okay. You will be trying meat here in the next week or so.

Your hair is still a pretty light brown, and your eyes are still the prettiest shade of blue. They are definitely here to stay.
You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You also still take two naps during the day, usually around 1-1.5 hours each.

You love to mimic what your Oma does - you wave byebye, blow raspberries on command, and you absolutely LOVE when I pretend to use your pacifier. You think that's the funniest thing in the whole wide world. You can be very demanding when you are hungry (but who can blame you!). You can get around and you can now get to a sitting position by yourself. You are starting to take interest in pulling up on things (the table, etc.) but you aren't quite there yet. You are my little mobile monkey and I love you!
Friday, August 29, 2014

7 months old!

Weight: 19.5 lbs roughly

Height: You were 26.5 at your 6 month appt. I would guess you are around 27 in now.

Clothing Size:

You are wearing 9 month and 12 month, but 12 month definitely fits better!

Still size 3! However, you need to wear size 4s at night. Last night you woke up around 5 am just screaming. You had peed so much your diaper couldn't hold it all and the sheets were soaked!


You eat 7 oz. four times a day. You eat fruits or veggies twice a day, but we are bumping it up to 3 times a day this weekend, and cutting you back to 6 oz at each feeding. You tried puffs for the first time this weekend - and you HATED them!! You make the worst face when we put one in your mouth and you spit it out. We'll try again in a few weeks.
Your hair is turning into a pretty light brown. Your eyes are still that gorgeous blue!

You are consistently sleeping through the night, unless you are sick! You take about two 1 hr naps during the day.

You are becoming so funny! You sit up all the time now and you are *this* close to crawling. You got your second ear infection this month and it got you down for a few days, but once your antibiotics kicked in you were back to your normal, happy self! No teeth yet and I honestly don't think you'll be getting any for awhile. You are becoming much more active and your little personality is coming out more and more.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

6 months old!

Weight: 18.6 lbs at your 6 month appt!

Height: 26.5 inches at your 6 month appt!

Clothing Size:

 You don't fit in your 6 month anymore...we've made the switch to 9 month and you look much more comfortable! I just ordered you a Thanksgiving outfit, and I did 12 month...I'm hoping that it will fit properly when it gets here. The onesie below is 12 month...

Size 3 still, although you get them very full at night. We may need to use a different diaper for nighttime.


You eat 7 oz. four times a day. You also eat cereal mixed with fruit or veggies at breakfast and before bedtime. This month you tried squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, apples, and mangoes! I have yet to find something you won't eat.

Your hair is so long! It makes you look older than you are. Your eyes are still that pretty blue.

You are a very good sleeper now. You pretty much sleep through the night, unless you get turned around in your crib and start bumping your head against the crib. That makes you angry.

Your puppies make you sooooo happy. You light up anytime they are near you. You are trying to crawl but I think it's going to take you some time to figure it out. You really also loved going in your kiddie pool, although the picture above makes you look angry. You kept splashing the water and trying to dive in head first! I see swimming lessons in your future.
Sunday, June 29, 2014

5 months old!

The scale at home says you are around 17.5 lb. 

No clue....measuring you is impossible!

Clothing Size:
 You wear 6 month, but I think you could be wearing some 9 month. I'm trying to make the 6 month last as long as possible. 

Size 3, and I think you are going to be in these for quite awhile. 

You eat 6 oz. 5 times a day. You also eat cereal mixed with fruit before bedtime. You've tried avocado, banana, peaches, and prunes and loved everything! I plan on trying sweet potatoes next. 

Your hair is getting long and is a pretty light brown. Your eyes are still that pretty blue. 

You sleep through the night consistently now. Sometimes you wake up screaming because you are on your tummy and can't roll back over, but you are starting to figure it out. 

You smile and laugh all the time. You've started laughing real belly laughs. You love napping on your daddy. I think it's your favorite place to sleep. You are getting much more interested in your puppies and grab them when you can. Peanut absolutely loves it when you interact with her. I think y'all are going to be best friends. 
Thursday, May 29, 2014

4 months old!

At your 4 month appt you were 15 lb 7 oz. That is the 80th percentile.

At your 4 month appt you were 25 in long. That is the 81st percentile. Combined you are in the 66th percentile for weight/height.
Clothing Size:
Definitely 6 month size. It wouldn't surprise me if we had to pull out some 9 month here soon. The 6t month fit fine in the width, but they are a little hard to button as far as the length goes.
Size 2, however this past weekend you had 3 blowouts, so we may be moving to size 3 in the next week or so (if we can get through these last few packages of 2s we have - I already took 3 packages back to the store that I knew we wouldn't use in time!)

You just tried cereal for the first time and you do NOT like it. I'm going to keep trying every night just to see if you get used to it. I think the spoon confuses you.

Your hair is still a pretty brown and your eyes are a gorgeous blue!

You have started sleeping through the night again now that your cold is under control.

You rolled over from tummy to back for the first time last week, and it wouldn't surprise me if you rolled from back to tummy anytime now. You are super close! We took you to get your 4 month shots last Friday, and unfortunately you had a double ear infection (total surprise - you weren't fussy at all!) so they postponed your shots a week. Once you were on the antibiotics for a few days you started acting MUCH happier.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Three months old!

The scale at home says you are around 14 lbs. I'd say you are around 13.5-14.5.

You are way too wiggly to measure at home! You go to the doctor at the end of May for your next round of shots, so we'll find out then. 

Clothing Size:
 You wear 3-6 month clothes solidly now. Yesterday you started wearing 6 month pajamas. I kept you in the 3 month as long as possible, but you just didn't fit anymore! The 6 month are a tiny bit big, but you seem much more comfortable.

Size 2. You took size 1 to daycare, and you kept having blowouts. The size 2 are definitely helping prevent that now! Luckily we have had just the right amount of diapers in the stockpile for each size so far.

You eat around every 3.5-4 hours and you are sleeping through the night (thank you!!)! You take your last feeding at 8 pm and you sleep until around 6-7 am. 

Your hair is continuing to get longer. It's so cute! Your eyes are still a very pretty blue color. 

You sleep really well now. Some nights you'll fuss around 2-3 am, but once we reswaddle and stick the pacifier back in your mouth you're all better. 

You are normally such a happy girl. You love to smile. You still do not enjoy tummy time, but your neck is getting stronger. You started daycare at 11 weeks and seem to enjoy it. The daycare workers say you are doing great! You did get your first cold this past week and you are so pitiful sniffling and trying to breathe through your nose. It breaks my heart, and we've had lots of snuggles while you aren't feeling well. Even though you have a cold, you still have such a good attitude!! I'm ready for you to kick this cold so you can start sleeping better again, for both of our sakes!
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Two months old!

You were 11 lb 3 oz at your 6 week appt. The scale at home estimates you are around 12 pounds. You are definitely gaining!!

You were 22 in at your 6 week is near impossible to measure you at home. You are too wiggly!

Clothing Size:
 You wear 3 month clothes and they fit pretty well, although your little legs aren't as long as your torso. We roll alot of pants up.

Size 1, although I feel like you could easily be wearing size 2 now. Once we finish the size 1 we have from mommy's couponing stockpile, we'll go ahead and switch.

You eat around every 3 hours during the day, and you sleep from 9-2 and from 2-6 or 7 am. You take around 5 oz at each feeding.

Your hair is growing like crazy! I can't believe how much hair you have. I think your hair makes you look so much older than you are. Your eyes are a bluish/gray color. I think they might be turning green, but we'll see.

Your sleeping has gotten a lot better - you wake up once to eat and night and take a few naps during the day. I'm ready for you to sleep through the night though!

You are getting to be much more vocal, and you've started smiling and laughing. You love to smile and play on your rock n play piano gym - you kick that piano like nobody's business! You've started to figure out your hands, and you have discovered sucking your thumb, which I'm not thrilled about. I try to stick a pacifier in your mouth when it happens, but you much prefer your thumb. You also LOVE  bath time - you just love for us to pour the warm water on you and you splash your feet in teh tub. You make your daddy and I so happy! We are so glad that you are ours!
Friday, February 28, 2014

One month old!

You aren't quite one month yet, but since there are only 28 days in February I did this post a day early. 

You are around 10 pounds now. Our scale at home isn't super accurate, but that's a good estimate. 

I have no clue.  Your one month appt isn't until march 11th, so we will find out then. I think you feel a lot longer though!

Clothing Size:
  Newborn is too small, but 3 month is too big. You have very few outfits that fit, so mommy does a lot of laundry!

  Very much size 1.  I squeezed you into your last newborn diapers last week, and they were honestly a little small. Size 1 fits much better. 

You love to eat - a lot! I've been pumping and feeding you bottles now, because you take wayyyy too long breastfeeding and honestly don't seem full afterwards. You eat 4-5 oz at each feeding. 

You've still got that beautiful head of hair. I used the hairbrush for the first time while washing your head last night, and it doesn't seem quite as unruly. Your eyes seem to be lightening a lot too-I hope that continues. 

Sleeping is not your strong suit. You want to be held or sleep in your swing. We started the moms on call schedule yesterday, and you actually slept in your crib from 9-2 am. That is the first time you slept that long and it was very much appreciated! I moved you to your crib because the puppies would wake you up when daddy would get home from work late. 

We love you so much, but no one loves you more than your puppy, Peanut. She is soo concerned about you and wants to be touching you all the time. I can't wait for when you are big enough to start playing with her. You are going to be best friends!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Birth day!

H4:30 am: Get to hospital, get registered

5:00: IV is started, pitocin is started around 5:30. I'm actually already having my own contractions before the pitocin starts. 

6:30 am: the pitocin is making my contractions stronger. They definitely hurt, but are not too bad. I'm around 3 cm at this point. 

9:10 am: Doc comes in and breaks my water. I'm 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I'm told I can get my epidural at any time, and get put on the list. 

10:15 am: I was told once my water was broken the contractions would be MUCH more intense, and that was spot on. Luckily the anesthesiologist came fairly quickly, and the epidural didn't hurt at all (or maybe the contractions hurt so bad I didn't notice). Either way, the epidural is amazing. I'm already 6 cm at this point and can't believe how fast things are moving. 

11:00 am: My blood pressure bottoms out twice. All of a sudden, I feel like I'm going to faint. Luckily my nurse is awesome and gets me feeling much better. Another side effect of the epidural - uncontrollable shakes. 

12:30 pm: I'm already 10 cm, but my doc wants the baby to move down the birth canal more before I start pushing. I am laid in my side with one leg up in stirrups to encourage her to move on her own. Side effect: the epidural isn't really working on the left side, so each contraction I feel, but in only one side of my body. 

1:30 pm: Its time to push! Turning worked and baby is low in the birth canal. Labor is called labor for a reason- this is hard work! But 30 min later, on January 29th, 7lb 14 oz and 20 in long, baby girl is here at 1:59 pm. She is perfect!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

40 weeks pregnant

Tomorrow we are headed to the hospital to be induced! I was hoping she would come on her own before her due date, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen!

Friday, January 24, 2014

39 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: 7 pounds and 20 inches long. About the size of a mini watermelon

Total Weight Gain/Loss: around 35 pounds

Maternity Clothes: I can only fit in my maternity work pants now...and sweatpants of course. That's mainly what I wear since I've been fortunate enough to work from home this last week.

Gender: It's a baby girl!

Movement: Not a lot until I lay down to sleep. Then it feels like she's having a dance party.

Sleep: Very hard to get comfortable, but once I do I'm out.

What I miss: Just being able to do daily tasks without feeling exhausted.

Cravings: I'm craving everything in sight. My hunger is at an all time high.

Symptoms: Lots of Braxton Hicks. My back pain has gone away now that she's dropped though.

Best moment this week: I was 90% effaced and almost two centimeters dilated at my appt today. We scheduled the induction for her due date (January 29th) if she doesn't come by then!
Saturday, January 11, 2014


We finally got the nursery done last week, and it looks great. Since we are renting, and know we won't be here in 6 months, we didn't want to paint (only to have to repaint), but I'm still really pleased with how it all turned out.

My mom bought the crib and I bought the dresser awhile ago, but my mom gave me all the bedding for our baby shower gift, so it finally made the crib feel complete. Daniel refinished an old family rocking chair, which turned out awesome. We got some cheap pillows at Old Time Pottery to finish the rocking chair.

The cute little green table came from World Market and was a last minute find, along with the owl lamp that is on top of it. And Daniel felt the nursery couldn't be complete without a TV, so we stuck one in her closet. Brilliant! Now we don't have to look at it if we don't want to. She has a huge closet in this house, so it worked out perfectly. The rest of her closet is FULL of clothes that my mom has bought (I have maybe bought her 3 outfits total).