
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

6 months old!

14 lb 1 oz - 11th percentile

25 inches - 12th percentile

Clothing Size:
6 month clothing and pajamas still, although I think you could wear 9 months if you had to. All your winter clothes are 6 month, so we are going to try to make these work as long as possible.

Diapers:Still size 2, but we upgraded to size 3 at night because the 2s were getting SO full.

Eating 5-6 oz every 4 hours now (4 feedings a day). You also eat a fruit for breakfast and veggie for dinner. So far, you LOVE carrots and pears. You tolerate most other food, but we cannot feed you fast enough when it's carrots or pears. Green beans are your least favorite.
You still have a horrible bald spot - I am hoping that fills up soon! The rest of your hair is pretty.

Still very inconsistent on sleep. Between teething, being sick, and gas - I don't know if you will ever feel well enough to sleep through the night!

You still think your sister was put on this earth to entertain you. She is your favorite person in the whole world and I hope that continues. You have started to really enjoy bath time and love trying to grab the water when I pour it on you.

You have your two bottom teeth, and you've been so drooly lately I think a top one will soon make an appearance. You are such a smiley girl most of the time and the best addition to our family. Happy half birthday, bug!