
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Emmie is 1!

You went to the doctor for an ear infection (your first illness EVER) a few weeks ago, and were right around 19 lbs.

Still very petite.

  Hanging out with Oma at your BEEday party.

Clothing Size:
12 month, and unless you have some epic growth spurt, you'll be in 12 month for the next few months. 18 month clothes looked huge next to you.

Still size 3. They are getting a tiny bit snug, but you'll probably be in them for at least another month or two.
You LOVE cake.
You have given up bottles on your own right after you turned eleven months. You do AWESOME with your sippies now, and you drink 3 glasses of milk a day, plus a glass or two of juice.
Getting ready to dig in.
You still have big pretty eyes, and your hair is really filling in (at least in the back).
Having a blast being one!
You sleep from 7-6:30 still, with one long nap after lunch.
Your teachers love you enough to come to your party!
You are starting to get a little braver - you will climb up the bottom stair now, and just sit on that stair and stare at me until I get you down. Then you just do it again! You love all food, but especially bananas and yogurt. You eat more than any child I've ever seen, and yet you don't grow any taller! You really have such a fun personality, and love to get in the dog's kennel and then peek your head out and laugh! Now that you are crawling, you get into everything - and you love the dog's water bowl just as much as your sister did at your age. When I say no you just laugh and keep doing what you are doing. You had a fantastic bee-day party to celebrate being one. All your family came, along with your teachers from school. They were so excited to be a part of your big day, and that just shows how much of a joy you are to be around. Love you little bug! Happy birthday to my littlest baby!