
Thursday, December 24, 2015

4 months old!

12 lbs, 14 oz (16th percentile)

23.75 inches (12th percentile)

Clothing Size:
You are officially in 6 month clothing and most pajamas! They are a little roomy but look much more comfortable than the 3 month clothes.
You just switched to size 2. They honestly have seemed a little big, but I found a random size 1 this morning, and when I put it on you it seemed SO tight. So I think the 2s are the perfect size for now.

You still eat every 3 hours, and you consistently eat 4 ounces at a feeding now. You no longer take a night feeding, but that doesn't mean you are sleeping through the night.

Your hair is growing, growing, growing! I keep telling your sister that you have more hair than her since she keeps pulling hers out. I hope you aren't a hair puller, because it's so pretty.

You finally have moved to your crib, but you end up in our room usually around 3 am. At that point, I just give up.

You are seriously the most easygoing baby. You are quite content to just hang out and be with the family, either in your rock n play or sitting on someone's lap. I tried giving you cereal a few nights ago and you were not feeling it at all. I don't blame you, as it tastes like glue and does not seem appetizing (side note: your sister loved the cereal). 
You are starting to laugh and coo and make so much noise. You are SO good at rolling over from back to tummy, and sometimes you get from tummy to back but sometimes you give up and just scream. You also act like you are trying to crawl (although I know you are nowhere near strong enough to actually do so). You are such a happy girl and the perfect addition to our family.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

3 months old!

The scale at home estimates 11.8 lb. That is right around the 25th percentile (so still right on track!)

There is NO way I am trying this at home, but your 3 month pajamas are getting too short, so you are definitely growing!

Clothing Size:
3-6 months or 3 months, depending on the brand.3 months is starting to get a little tight on you!

You are wearing size 1, but you are about to start wearing 2's when we are out of 1's.

You eat 3-4 oz at a time now. You eat around every 3 hours during the day, and then wake up once around 2 am for your nighttime feeding.

You are getting more hair which is so cute!
You are still sleeping in the pack and play in our room, and that's just pure laziness on my part. I don't see any reason to move you until you start sleeping through the night.

You rolled over on your own from tummy to back a few days before you turned 3 months old! I couldn't believe it. You are *this* close to rolling from back to tummy but you aren't quite there yet.

You started daycare this month and you are doing great. I think the teachers in your class have a few babies who are unhappy all the time, so you are like a breath of fresh air! Your sister loves to give you a kiss goodbye when you go to your classroom in the mornings, and I know sometimes they let her visit you during the day. I'm so glad you guys are at the same place and can see each other. 

You got your first cold this month (from your sister!), but you are handling it as well as can be expected. You get a little frustrated trying to breathe, but otherwise you are taking it like a champ.
Saturday, October 24, 2015

2 months old!


10 lb. 10 oz. (28th percentile)


22 inches. (24th percentile)

Clothing Size:
0-3 months or 3 months, depending on the brand. Your legs are kind of short so pants don't fit very well at the moment!

You are wearing size 1. They fit perfectly.

You eat 3 oz at a time now. I dont know if you are going through a growth spurt, but you are now wanting to eat every 2.5 hours, even at night! That is making mommy very exhausted, but if you are hungry you obviously need to eat. I don't see you sleeping through the night ANY time soon.

Dark brown hair and still very very pretty blue eyes!
You have started sleeping in the pack and play at night, and I think you would do fine in your crib, I am just too lazy to move you in your room since you are waking up so often to eat! You go down around 8 pm, wake up around 11:30-midnight, and wake up again around 4:30 am. It's very tiring but you are just so hungry! I wish you would eat more at one sitting instead of little bits throughout the day.

You are really a very easy going baby. We took you and your sister to the zoo at 7 weeks old, and you slept through the whole thing! Your sister still LOVES you lots, and you light up when she's in the room (or it could be because you are scared of her..she can be a little loud and intimidating!). You really are my errand buddy - you go anywhere and everywhere with me and just hang out in the cart/stroller/car seat. I go back to work in a week and I am going to miss spending all day with you. You love to snuggle on the couch and just smile and coo all day long.
Thursday, September 24, 2015

1 month old!

You are 8 lb 12 oz. That is the 34th percentile

20.75 inches long - that is the 30th percentile

Clothing Size:
You still fit in newborn, but it's getting a little tight. You are starting to fit in 0-3 month in length, but it's still pretty roomy.

Still using newborn, however you could easily be using size 1. We have just a few newborn left and then we'll move on to size 1!

You max out at 2.5 ounces per feeding, sometimes 3 if we're lucky. You just fall asleep after that point and will.not.wake.up. You eat every 3 hours or so, and every 4 hours at night. You prefer breastfeeding to the bottle, but I'm trying to use more bottles to see if it will help you eat a little more at each feeding.

You still have a fairly full head of hair. You eyes are a very pretty blue.

You nap for 1-1.5 hours at a time during the day. It's a little harder to get you on a schedule since we have to leave the house to take/pick up your sister at school, and we run a lot more errands than I did with Caroline at this age. At night you sleep from about 8:30-midnight, and then 1 am - 5 am or so. You sleep in your rock and play at night, but after your 5 am feeding you sleep in the pack and play for a couple hours. I'm trying to break you of the rock and play habit - it's totally my fault and I don't want you to get used to sleeping in there!

Your sister really really really loves you. Sometimes too much :). She loves to "help" by shoving your pacifier in your mouth or force feeding you a bottle. You are so much calmer than your sister was at one month, probably because you don't have a choice! Caroline really loves being a big sister and I hope that continues as you get bigger and can actually play with her. The puppies don't seem to bother you too much and you don't really give them a second thought. You are such a happy baby and we love you so much, Emery Claire!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Emmie's birthday

Sunday night around 6 pm I started having what I felt like were contractions. I honestly thought at first it was just false labor, since she wasn't due for two weeks. We grilled steaks, I gave Caroline a bath, took a shower, and then headed for bed. When I laid down, the contractions started getting stronger, so I began timing them.  They were about 7 min apart so I tried to sleep.  I finally fell asleep around 10:30 but tossed and turned all night. At 4 am, I couldn't sleep anymore and started timing them again.

These contractions were much more painful, but they were ranging from 5-9 min apart. Daniel went on to work at my request, and then I realized I didn't know if I'd be able to carry Caroline downstairs when she woke up I was in so much pain. My mom got to the house around 7 am to handle her. My contractions now didn't seem so bad, but they still hadn't gone away. At 8, I told Daniel he might want to come home. 

Still skeptical, I called my doctor and they confirmed I should at least go to the hospital and get checked out. I was SO sure I wasn't in labor I was quite annoyed to go. Daniel got home around 9 am and we got to the hospital around 9:30. At this point my contractions were even more infrequent. I got registered and the nurse said lets get checked out. She did an exam and to my surprise I was 6 cm, and we were told we would have a baby by the end of the day!

Around 11 I got my epidural. And at 12:30 the doctor broke my water. After my water was broken my contractions got stronger and by 3:15 we were ready to push. Two sets of pushes later Emery Claire made her debut at 3:32 pm! She was 7 lb. 3 oz. and 19.5 inches of perfection!

Monday, August 17, 2015

37 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A bunch of swiss chard, 19 in long and 6.3 lb.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 30 lb

Movement: Not as often, but when she does move it HURTS!

Sleep: Harder to get comfortable to fall asleep, but once I do I am pretty much out.

What I miss: Just having energy. Which probably won't come back any time soon!

Cravings: Sweets. Still eating dessert every night.

Symptoms:VERY swollen feet. They sometimes don't even fit in my shoes.

Best Moment This Week: Getting lots of stuff crossed off the to-do list (I actually shampooed carpets and Daniel installed new sink faucets in the girls' bathroom!), and officially being
"full term"
Monday, August 10, 2015

36 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A head of romaine lettuce, 18.5 in long and 6 lb.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27 lb

Movement: Movement is definitely slowing down. I think she's running out of room to be too crazy in there.

Sleep: Sleeping better, still waking up a ton to pee.

What I miss: Not being swollen and having energy to do ANYTHING

Cravings: Still eating everything in sight.

Symptoms: Swollen, cranky, nesting.

Best Moment This Week: Making a to-do list of everything I want to get done before she gets here. It's a least organized my thoughts and I'm hoping we can make some progress this week.

Monday, August 3, 2015

35 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A honeydew melon, 18 in long and 5.25 lb.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think I'm probably still right around 25-30 lb.

Movement: VERY VERY active at night still. Sometimes to the point where it hurts and I am very uncomfortable.

Sleep: I will sleep really well one night, and then not sleep the next 3 nights. It's just very hit or miss.

What I miss: Unswollen ankles, picking up Caroline without straining

Cravings: Any food, unfortunately. I'm hungry all the time.

Symptoms: Just very tired and swollen. I don't want to move a whole lot.

Best Moment This Week: I just can't believe that we are really at the point where she can come anytime. It's crazy to think towards the beginning of this pregnancy we weren't sure we would make it to 35 weeks, and now we're still going strong with no end in sight. I am very thankful for her health and that she is growing!
Monday, July 13, 2015

32 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A jicama, almost 17 inches long and 4 lbs.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Around 25 lbs.

Movement: Not as often, but when she does move it seems like she's completely rearranging herself in there. Not sure how she has any room to do that.

Sleep: I can't fall asleep anymore. I think it's because I just can't get comfortable.

What I miss: Sleep

Cravings: Still sweets, especially chocolate or peanut butter (or a combination of the two)

Symptoms: My back is starting to really hurt, which I remember happened with Caroline at this point too.

Best Moment This Week: I had my work baby shower this week and it was a really good time. Emery got so much cool stuff that I can't wait to use, like her new video monitor.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

28 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: An eggplant, 15 in. and 2.5 lb

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Right around 20 lbs (I think)

Movement: She moves all the time, but especially at night or if I have eaten something sweet.

Sleep: I wake up every 2 hours on the dot to go to the bathroom. Luckily it doesn't usually take me too long to fall back asleep.

What I miss: Sleeping comfortably

What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery

Cravings: M&Ms. Brownies. Anything chocolately

Symptoms: Acid reflux and leg cramps, and just general back pain.

Best Moment This Week: We went to visit our friends newborn this week, and Caroline got to see me hold a baby for the first time. She wasn't happy, but it just showed me we need to work on her jealousy before Emery gets here.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

27 weeks pregnant!

Size of Baby: A cucumber, 15 in. and 2.2 lb

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Right around 16-17 lbs.

Movement: She moves all the time early morning and at night! During the day she's a little quieter, but randomly I will feel a strong kick.

Sleep: Not great...still waking up lots to pee and it's harder for me to fall asleep.

What I miss: My energy

What I am looking forward to: Seeing her again on Monday with our ultrasound

Cravings: Mexican and sweets. I want dessert at every meal.

Symptoms: My acid reflux is coming back and it's only going to get worse.

Best Moment This Week: Getting her room cleared out and buying the crib and dresser.
Monday, May 25, 2015

25 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A rutabaga...13.5 inches and 1.5 pounds!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 13 lbs

Movement: You can start seeing the movement outside my belly now. She's definitely getting stronger.

Sleep: Sleeping better, minus waking up to pee.

What I miss: Just being able to move around easier.

What I am looking forward to: picking out the paint for the nursery!

Cravings: still Mexican food all the time, and Firehouse subs. I could eat that for every meal.

Symptoms: Leg cramps

Best Moment This Week: Buying the first thing for the nursery - curtains and a crib skirt!
Monday, May 11, 2015

23 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A papaya...8 inches and 1.2 pounds!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10 lbs

Movement: She is very active now, especially at night.

Sleep: Harder to fall asleep lately, and still waking up 2-3 times a night to pee.

What I miss: Rolling around with Caroline

What I am looking forward to: picking out a crib and nursery decorations

Cravings: still Mexican food all the time

Symptoms: Tired, harder to get around

Best Moment This Week: Feeling the stronger kicks
Monday, April 6, 2015

18 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A bell pepper...5.5 inches and 7 ounces!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 lbs

Maternity clothes: I've gotten away with some non maternity shirts and dresses. But forget about pants - there is no way I am fitting into those. 

Gender: another sweet baby girl

Movement: getting stronger!

Sleep: I wake up at least 4 times a night to pee. And it's exhausting. 

What I miss: being able to pick Caroline up easily. 

What I am looking forward to: figuring a name out for this baby girl!

Cravings: Mexican food and Firehouse subs. I could eat a sub for every meal.

Symptoms: Just really tired!

Best Moment This Week: Starting to feel this baby wiggle around.
Saturday, March 28, 2015

17 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A turnip...5 inches and 5 ounces!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 3 lbs

Maternity Clothes: This pregnancy I started having to wear maternity pants at 13 weeks! However, I have gained the same amount as last time at this point.

Gender: Find out next week. I am adamant it's a boy, which means Daniel is just as adamant it's a girl. I'd love for Caroline to have a little sister, but I also would love to have a son.

Movement: I feel movement when I am laying down at night. Not strong enough for Daniel to feel, though.

Sleep: I wake up at 4:30 am every morning. I wish that would stop, because by the end of the day I'm exhausted.

What I miss: My energy! It's hard being pregnant with a toddler.

What I am looking forward to: our ultrasound next week

Cravings: Mexican food and Firehouse subs. I could eat a sub for every meal.

Symptoms: Just really tired!

Best Moment This Week: Starting to feel this baby wiggle around.
Sunday, February 1, 2015

12 months old!

23 lb, 9 oz, that is the 92nd percentile

30.25 inches, that is the 86th percentile

Clothing Size:
12-18 month, and 18 month pajamas. You can even wear some 18-24 month shirts. 

Size 4, and you go through about 5 a day. 

You dropped your mid day bottles and just get morning and nighttime bottles now. You get a sippy cup of milk with lunch and water the rest of the day. You are not very picky and will eat pretty much whatever we give you. You also really like feeding yourself yogurt, but most of it ends up in your hair. 

You go to bed around 7 and wake up around 7 each morning. You take one nap after lunch for around 1.5 to 2 hours. 

I cannot believe a whole year had passed since you were born. You get more and more fun every day. You played peekaboo with me using a towel the other night after your bath and you initiated it and we're moving the towel. It really hit me at that moment how much you've grown and changed over the past year. You moved up to the next class at school and you are thriving in it. They normally start the babies in the new class for an hour a day, but you did so good the first day you never went back to the newborn class. You love the action and playing with the other kids. You are such a joy and the best thing that's ever happened to us. Happy birthday to my monkey!!