
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Violet Joy: Eight Months

Our last baby is eight months! Oh, how I am relishing every sweet moment with this smiley, happy babe.


20 lbs., or 86th percentile (same percentile as last month!)

Clothing Size:
Well, you're officially in 18 month pajamas. You are tall, girl!

Size 3, wearing overnight diapers at night. In the next week you'll be in size 4.

You take four bottles a day, 6 oz. in each bottle.You also are eating either yogurt, baby food, or real food 3x a day, plus you like baby puffs. You like small pieces of bread and mashed potatoes. You spit meat right out - I don't think you know what to do with the texture. Still no teeth, which makes eating a challenge.

You are still an amazing sleeper. And I love you for it.

Violet Joy, you are such a delight! You just started crawling and you think you're hot stuff when you do it. You say "dada" on repeat, still no mama yet, but we're working on it. You light up when any of us come home and you see us after a few hours away. You love hanging out with the family and just being apart of whatever we're up to.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Violet Joy: Seven Months

I'm just a week or so behind on your seven month update, but this summer is flying by and we are staying busy every day! You got your first cold this past week, and you've been a little grumpy, but even with a snotty nose and a slight cough you are still such a chill baby.


19.6 lbs., or 86th percentile.

Clothing Size:
Pretty much all 12 month. You are still so long, and I'm thinking we may need to switch to eeither footless pajamas or 18 month pajamas here soon.

Size 3, wearing overnight diapers at night

You take four bottles a day, 6 oz. in each bottle. You also eat baby food or yogurt 3x per day. We've tried a little bit of solid food (rice, eggs, etc.) but you really aren't quite ready for it yet. You do really like puffs, but have a hard time getting them in your mouth.

Inconsistent with naps, but usually 2 decent ones each day. You also sleep from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. consistently.