
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Violet Joy: Six Months

18.4 lbs., or 85th percentile.

Clothing Size:
12 month! You wore 9 month for about a month, and then you got too long.
Size 3, wearing overnight diapers at night

You take four bottles a day, 6-7 oz. in each bottle. You also eat baby food or yogurt 3x per day. You pretty much tolerate anything, but you prefer blueberry/banana/peach type flavors.

Your hair is starting to fill in on top, and your eyes are still blue.

7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. every night, naps randomly throughout the day.

You are still the BEST baby and are content just being around your family. You really only start to fuss if you're REALLY hungry or tired, and even then you aren't bad. You wake up in such a great mood and bring joy to everyone around you.