
Monday, July 13, 2015

32 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A jicama, almost 17 inches long and 4 lbs.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Around 25 lbs.

Movement: Not as often, but when she does move it seems like she's completely rearranging herself in there. Not sure how she has any room to do that.

Sleep: I can't fall asleep anymore. I think it's because I just can't get comfortable.

What I miss: Sleep

Cravings: Still sweets, especially chocolate or peanut butter (or a combination of the two)

Symptoms: My back is starting to really hurt, which I remember happened with Caroline at this point too.

Best Moment This Week: I had my work baby shower this week and it was a really good time. Emery got so much cool stuff that I can't wait to use, like her new video monitor.