
Monday, December 24, 2018

Violet: One Month

You were 9 lb. 5 oz. at your one month checkup last week (a week early!). That is the 66th percentile

21.25 inches, or 67th percentile.

Clothing Size:
You have quickly outgrown all your newborn clothes, which lasted all of about 3 weeks. You are now easily wearing 3 month.

You've been using size 1 for a week or so. They fit perfectly.

You mainly nurse, but you get about one bottle a day. You'll drink anywhere from 3-4 oz. at a feeding. You do great whether it's nursing or using a bottle.

You have the same amount of hair as you did when you were born. Your eyes are still blue!

Very inconsistent. I was so worried about getting your sisters on a schedule, and I just don't have time to worry about that with you. You're growing, happy, and content most of the time, so that's all I worry about! At night you'll wake up every 3-4 hours still to eat. I think it's because you are so lazy when you wake up you do about a half a feed and fall back asleep. You sleep like a champ in the bassinet which hopefully will make the transition to your crib easier in a month or so.

Your sisters are obsessed with you. Emery has transitioned to big sister so easily and is really enjoying the responsibility of her new role. Caroline loves to sing you songs, change your diaper (yes, really!), and rock you in your rock and play. You sleep through ANYTHING - dogs barking, kids screaming - and are such a perfect addition to our family. We love you so much!
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Five on Friday: Holiday Fun!

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While we haven't been getting much rest in the house with a newborn, we aren't letting that stop us from having lots of holiday fun!

__one__ Wednesday, the older girls skipped daycare and I took them to the mall to see Santa. The mall was dead, and there was no one in line to see Santa. It was great! Caroline showed Santa her list and then both girls gave him big hugs and had a great time talking to him.

__two__ Speaking of Santa lists, Caroline's top picks include a cotton candy maker  and a watch (I found this Sofia the First watch on Amazon for super cheap!).  For the girls' big gift, my plan is to get them a Power Wheels jeep.

Power Wheels Disney Princess Jeep Wrangler

__three__ We have been soaking up all the family time with little Violet and she is settling into the family seamlessly. It's amazing how when a baby comes, you can't imagine life without them anymore. She's been eating like a champ (every 2-3 hours) and is generally a content babe.

__four__ All 3 of the girls were laying in our bed the other morning, and we heard a big bang. Caroline asked what it was, and I didn't know and didn't go investigate. Fast forward an hour when I let the dogs out - a tree took out part of our fence and their brand new swing set we got back in August. I was devastated - but thank goodness for homeowner's insurance. Also on the to-do list - get the rest of the dead trees removed.

__five__ Bless this sweet baby's heart. We kept her home from school two days this week because she had a fever but no other symptoms. I went to check on her after feeding the baby, and she had fallen asleep in the playroom on the floor. She's still not quite herself, but the fever is gone and I'm hopeful we can have some fun this weekend anyway!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Welcome to the world, Violet

After (unrealistic) expectations that baby #3 would come into the world early, I resigned myself to the fact that we would induce. And while I didn't have a horrible experience being induced with Caroline, I was REALLY dreading it. Emmie's birth was so easy that I figured the only way to experience that was if the baby came on its' own.

So, the weekend before Thanksgiving, I cleaned the house like crazy, took lots of long walks, gently bounced on the trampoline....did everything I could think of to get the baby out.

And, wouldn't you know, nothing worked. Thanksgiving passed, and I came to terms with the fact that we would be proceeding with the induction on the 24th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Before leaving the house at 5:30 a.m. that morning, I took one final picture of my bump. It was bittersweet, knowing this is our last babe, but I was also so excited to finally meet this little person that had been growing inside of me for the last nine months!

We checked in at 6 a.m., and by 7:30 a.m. they had the pitocin going. I was still only 1 cm dilated when I showed up, so I was expecting this to be a long day. Nevertheless, I asked if I could get my epidural before they broke my water, just in case. The anesthesiologist came in around 9:00 a.m., and I was already 3 cm dilated. He gave me my epidural, and my doctor came in right after to break my water.

By 10:30 a.m., I was already 5 cm dilated. This labor was moving super fast! The epidural was quite honestly the best out of the three labors I'd ever had. I didn't feel A THING this whole time. The nurse kept changing my positioning every 30 minutes to encourage the baby to continue moving through the birth canal, and by 11:30 I was 10 cm dilated and the baby was ready to come out!

We waited about 30 minutes for my doctor, and after half of a push, the baby was out and Daniel was able to tell me it was a baby girl! I was thrilled that this last little one was another girl, and her sisters felt the same way! They got to meet her within 15 minutes of her birth, and they were both so, so in love.

Welcome to the world, Violet Joy. You are so loved already.