
Friday, November 4, 2016

5 Things to Buy (or not buy) at Aldi!

This past week, I shopped at Aldi for my FIRST TIME EVER. I'd always heard people rave about the savings there, but since I use coupons regularly and don't typically spend much at the grocery store anyway, I didn't really see the benefit.

I also thought they only accepted cash (which maybe they used to?), but I found out they do take credit cards, so I thought I would give it a try. And I'm so glad I did - here are 5 things I gave a try!

 First up, I gave these animal crackers a try. They were only $1.49, which is not bad for a big box of snacks for my girls. My kids enjoyed them, and they tasted like any other animal crackers! I'd call it a win.

 I saw these coffee k-cups for only $3.99!! I couldn't believe my eyes. While I was skeptical, I decided to try a box of their breakfast blend. While it is a decent coffee for the price, it honestly didn't have that rich bold flavor I typically enjoy in a coffee. While their other blends may have a different taste, it's not something I would probably purchase again, unless I was in a pinch and needed coffee and didn't want to spend $10.

 One thing I'd always heard was good to buy at Aldi's is produce. I got this entire bag of limes for $.99!! I couldn't even buy 2 limes for that at Publix or Kroger. These were good quality too - perfect for throwing in a margarita or a Corona ;)

 Omg. These chocolate covered toffee pretzels. My hubby and I ate the entire bag over a span of 2.5 days. And I think they were only around $2.49? Worth. Every. Penny.

Finally - we go through some baby wipes at our house. C is finally potty trained, but E is still in diapers. Plus, we use them to wipe faces, clean up spills, pretty much for any type of cleaning. These were $1.49, and equaled the quality of Huggies wipes. I can usually get wipes close to $1 with coupons, but when I'm running low, I will definitely be heading to Aldi's. 

What do you like getting at Aldi's?! I'm interested in more products to try!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Emmie is 1!

You went to the doctor for an ear infection (your first illness EVER) a few weeks ago, and were right around 19 lbs.

Still very petite.

  Hanging out with Oma at your BEEday party.

Clothing Size:
12 month, and unless you have some epic growth spurt, you'll be in 12 month for the next few months. 18 month clothes looked huge next to you.

Still size 3. They are getting a tiny bit snug, but you'll probably be in them for at least another month or two.
You LOVE cake.
You have given up bottles on your own right after you turned eleven months. You do AWESOME with your sippies now, and you drink 3 glasses of milk a day, plus a glass or two of juice.
Getting ready to dig in.
You still have big pretty eyes, and your hair is really filling in (at least in the back).
Having a blast being one!
You sleep from 7-6:30 still, with one long nap after lunch.
Your teachers love you enough to come to your party!
You are starting to get a little braver - you will climb up the bottom stair now, and just sit on that stair and stare at me until I get you down. Then you just do it again! You love all food, but especially bananas and yogurt. You eat more than any child I've ever seen, and yet you don't grow any taller! You really have such a fun personality, and love to get in the dog's kennel and then peek your head out and laugh! Now that you are crawling, you get into everything - and you love the dog's water bowl just as much as your sister did at your age. When I say no you just laugh and keep doing what you are doing. You had a fantastic bee-day party to celebrate being one. All your family came, along with your teachers from school. They were so excited to be a part of your big day, and that just shows how much of a joy you are to be around. Love you little bug! Happy birthday to my littlest baby!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

11 months old!

18.8 lbs according to the scale at home

Short :) I tried measuring you at home and got 29 in., but that may be an overestimation.

 You still put everything in your mouth.

 Clothing Size:
12 month fits great with room to grow. You can still squeeze into some 9 month outfits.

Size 3. I think this next month I will switch you to 4s at night.
You love to make silly faces.
One bottle feeding first thing in the morning - hit or miss depending on your teeth. You have 8 teeth fully in, with at least 3 coming in including one molar. It causes you a lot of discomfort and you don't want to drink anything. You are getting better at your sippies.
 You don't want your own sippy cup, but you will lunge for your sister's every chance you get.
Your eyes are still so gorgeous. Your hair is filling out except for the bald spot on top of your head.
You sleep from 7-6:30 still, with two naps - a shorter morning nap and a longer afternoon nap.
Your sister is your BEST FRIEND EVER.
You are FINALLY crawling. At 10.5 months it finally just clicked. I think you were just sick of everyone walking around you and you just decided to move. You are generally such a happy girl but these teeth are making you super uncomfortable. Luckily, you almost have them all in, so we should be over the worst soon. You are the joy of daycare and everyone's favorite baby. Every time I go in someone is snuggling you and giving you lots of one on one attention. One more month and my little bug is one!
Friday, June 24, 2016

10 months old!

 17.8 lb

Second child problems. Christmas in July.
No clue, but you are still a shorty.

Clothing Size:
Finally in 12 month! You can still squeeze into some of your 9 month, but 12 month fits great.

 Hanging with Uncle J.
Size 3.

I really think you are just done with bottles. You drink them 3 times a day, but its very hit or miss. I've been incorporating the sippy more and hopefully you will be completely done with bottles soon.
 Selfie time.
Your hair is really filling out. Your eyes are still a beautiful bluish grey. So pretty!
Real food is your life.
You are a champ at sleeping now - from 7 pm until about 6:30 am. Still two naps during the day for about an hour at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. 
 Swimming at Uncle J's house.
You have been teething FOREVER. I really think by the time you are one you will have all your teeth. You still aren't crawling, but you are getting braver trying to pull up on things and can stand fairly well holding on to something. You may just walk before crawling, and that's fine with me. You get around scooting on your butt and it doesn't seem to bother you that you aren't more mobile. You are such a good baby and are content going anywhere - whether it's to a birthday party, the store, etc. We got a swimming pool for you and your sister to play in, and I really think you may like it more than her! I have never seen a baby LOVE the water like you do. You also are such a fan of your puppy dogs - you try to grab them as they walk by! Love you bug!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

9 months old!

16 lb 12 oz. You are finally in the 20s in percentile - 23rd to be exact!
 Hanging out watching your sister and Seth and Colin play.

27 in - 19th percentile. You are finally gaining some!!

Clothing Size:
9 month, and they are fitting perfectly. I think in the next month or so we will be able to start phasing in some of your 12 month summer outfits. 
Size 3. Tried to use some old size 2s we had, and that didn't go very well....
So happy to be 9 months old!
Well, you are still eating bottles 4 times a day when you feel up to it. Again, you've been teething so much it's very hit or miss. You eat solid foods like a champ though.
Your hair seems to be filling in a little bit!

You nap in your crib so well now! We just tuck your hippo under your arm and you are OUT. You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm every night.
Apparently fake food is better than the real thing.

The past few weeks have been pretty rough with you teething and refusing most bottles. To prevent dehydration and get some extra calories in you, I've been mixing your formula with mashed bananas, baby food, baby cereal, yogurt - really anything I can mix. You really do love solid food and will eat pretty much anything - so far, beans, yogurt, and bananas seem to be favorites. You are so so so so close to crawling, but it terrifies you at the same time so you get too scared to try to move. You are usually such a smiley, happy girl that it makes me especially sad when you don't feel good because of all those teeth! You have 6 in so far (3 on bottom, 3 on top), with at least 3 more actively coming in. Once we get past this round of teeth, I'm hoping we have a little bit of relief before your molars.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

8 months old!

The scale at home says 17.4 lbs. I would say you are at least 17! I feel you have had the most amazing growth spurt this month (finally).

I actually tried measuring you at home, and I came up with 26.5 inches. I'd say that's pretty close give or take half an inch. 

Clothing Size:
Officially 9 month for everything! I was worried you wouldn't be able to wear Caroline's old clothes due to the different seasons you were born in, but she was so high on the growth chart and you are so low, that it's working out really well actually!

Size 3 - and you get horrible diaper rash no matter what brand we use!

You are up to 6-7 oz. 4 times a day, plus breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You really don't care for baby food, and just want the real deal now. You've tried lots of different foods and have really enjoyed all of them -even green beans and peas which you hated in baby food form!

Still pretty bald with random hair on the side that is growing. We just accessorize with bows.

You've outgrown the rock n play, so you are finally napping in your crib. If you have your stuffed hippo to cuddle, you usually don't mind it. Sleeping through the night consistently now, except for teething.

You sit like a champ now and I don't worry about you falling over anymore. I TRY and TRY to get you to crawl, but you have ZERO interest. I put you on your tummy and you roll over or look and me and cry like I am torturing you. Not pulling up on anything yet either - but you do tolerate standing in your exersaucer and we recently started putting you in the door jumper to play. Your sister likes to twirl you in the jumper though, so we have to watch you like a hawk in it. You still love your sister like no other, and think she hung the moon!
Thursday, March 24, 2016

7 months old!

Around 15 lbs still.

Clothing Size:
9 month. It's a little roomy but fits better than the 6 month. 

Finally upgraded to size 3!

Eating 5-6 oz every 4 hours now (4 feedings a day). You love real food. You love trying different textures. You've tried rice, peas, green beans, bread, chicken, puffs, carrots, and potatoes. 

You are pretty much still bald on top of your head and your ears stick out. We call you Ross Perot.

As long as you feel ok, you sleep through the night. No consistent napping though. 

You can sit by yourself but you hate it. If I am within sight you want me holding you. You love texture in your food and you try anything! You have become very interested in your feet and play with them all the time. Everything you play with immediately goes in your mouth! You think the puppies are so funny and try to grab them when they walk past you. You also babble all the time now and you and Caroline will have lengthy conversations!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

6 months old!

14 lb 1 oz - 11th percentile

25 inches - 12th percentile

Clothing Size:
6 month clothing and pajamas still, although I think you could wear 9 months if you had to. All your winter clothes are 6 month, so we are going to try to make these work as long as possible.

Diapers:Still size 2, but we upgraded to size 3 at night because the 2s were getting SO full.

Eating 5-6 oz every 4 hours now (4 feedings a day). You also eat a fruit for breakfast and veggie for dinner. So far, you LOVE carrots and pears. You tolerate most other food, but we cannot feed you fast enough when it's carrots or pears. Green beans are your least favorite.
You still have a horrible bald spot - I am hoping that fills up soon! The rest of your hair is pretty.

Still very inconsistent on sleep. Between teething, being sick, and gas - I don't know if you will ever feel well enough to sleep through the night!

You still think your sister was put on this earth to entertain you. She is your favorite person in the whole world and I hope that continues. You have started to really enjoy bath time and love trying to grab the water when I pour it on you.

You have your two bottom teeth, and you've been so drooly lately I think a top one will soon make an appearance. You are such a smiley girl most of the time and the best addition to our family. Happy half birthday, bug!
Sunday, January 24, 2016

5 months old!

Weight: 14.2 lbs on the home scale - around 20th percentile


Clothing Size:
6 month clothing and pajamas fit you perfectly now. You have stubby little legs, so some of the pants are a little long, but everything else fits perfectly.
Size 2 fits great now. I found a random size 1 about a week ago and we used it with no problems, but the size 2 fits you better.

Still eating every 3 hours, but you are consistently eating 4-5 oz at a time. You take a pretty big bottle right before bed, and you have slept through the night but it's still not consistent. You tried baby food for the first time yesterday, and you did okay. You ate about 1/4 jar of bananas.
You still have a bald spot on the top of your head, but the rest of your hair is getting pretty long. It makes you look like an old man :) Your eyes are still a pretty blue!

You sleep in your own crib all night. You are sleeping better, but you still keep us on our toes. You will go 4 nights in a row sleeping through the night, and then have a night where you are up ALL NIGHT long.

When we put you on your play mat, you are immediately on your tummy. You love watching your sister and you think she is just the most hilarious thing on this planet. You love to laugh when I pretend to bite your hands. You love snuggling with your daddy in bed and fall immediately asleep when cuddling with him. You sit up great in the bumbo seat and even can sit fairly unassisted with the boppy around you. You are tiny but you are very strong!

You just got your first tooth! You had been a little fussy, but we didn't give it much thought since your sister didn't get a tooth until she was 11 months old. But there it is - on the bottom with the one right next to it waiting to poke through too!