
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Two months old!

You were 11 lb 3 oz at your 6 week appt. The scale at home estimates you are around 12 pounds. You are definitely gaining!!

You were 22 in at your 6 week is near impossible to measure you at home. You are too wiggly!

Clothing Size:
 You wear 3 month clothes and they fit pretty well, although your little legs aren't as long as your torso. We roll alot of pants up.

Size 1, although I feel like you could easily be wearing size 2 now. Once we finish the size 1 we have from mommy's couponing stockpile, we'll go ahead and switch.

You eat around every 3 hours during the day, and you sleep from 9-2 and from 2-6 or 7 am. You take around 5 oz at each feeding.

Your hair is growing like crazy! I can't believe how much hair you have. I think your hair makes you look so much older than you are. Your eyes are a bluish/gray color. I think they might be turning green, but we'll see.

Your sleeping has gotten a lot better - you wake up once to eat and night and take a few naps during the day. I'm ready for you to sleep through the night though!

You are getting to be much more vocal, and you've started smiling and laughing. You love to smile and play on your rock n play piano gym - you kick that piano like nobody's business! You've started to figure out your hands, and you have discovered sucking your thumb, which I'm not thrilled about. I try to stick a pacifier in your mouth when it happens, but you much prefer your thumb. You also LOVE  bath time - you just love for us to pour the warm water on you and you splash your feet in teh tub. You make your daddy and I so happy! We are so glad that you are ours!