
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

3 months old!

The scale at home estimates 11.8 lb. That is right around the 25th percentile (so still right on track!)

There is NO way I am trying this at home, but your 3 month pajamas are getting too short, so you are definitely growing!

Clothing Size:
3-6 months or 3 months, depending on the brand.3 months is starting to get a little tight on you!

You are wearing size 1, but you are about to start wearing 2's when we are out of 1's.

You eat 3-4 oz at a time now. You eat around every 3 hours during the day, and then wake up once around 2 am for your nighttime feeding.

You are getting more hair which is so cute!
You are still sleeping in the pack and play in our room, and that's just pure laziness on my part. I don't see any reason to move you until you start sleeping through the night.

You rolled over on your own from tummy to back a few days before you turned 3 months old! I couldn't believe it. You are *this* close to rolling from back to tummy but you aren't quite there yet.

You started daycare this month and you are doing great. I think the teachers in your class have a few babies who are unhappy all the time, so you are like a breath of fresh air! Your sister loves to give you a kiss goodbye when you go to your classroom in the mornings, and I know sometimes they let her visit you during the day. I'm so glad you guys are at the same place and can see each other. 

You got your first cold this month (from your sister!), but you are handling it as well as can be expected. You get a little frustrated trying to breathe, but otherwise you are taking it like a champ.