
Friday, August 29, 2014

7 months old!

Weight: 19.5 lbs roughly

Height: You were 26.5 at your 6 month appt. I would guess you are around 27 in now.

Clothing Size:

You are wearing 9 month and 12 month, but 12 month definitely fits better!

Still size 3! However, you need to wear size 4s at night. Last night you woke up around 5 am just screaming. You had peed so much your diaper couldn't hold it all and the sheets were soaked!


You eat 7 oz. four times a day. You eat fruits or veggies twice a day, but we are bumping it up to 3 times a day this weekend, and cutting you back to 6 oz at each feeding. You tried puffs for the first time this weekend - and you HATED them!! You make the worst face when we put one in your mouth and you spit it out. We'll try again in a few weeks.
Your hair is turning into a pretty light brown. Your eyes are still that gorgeous blue!

You are consistently sleeping through the night, unless you are sick! You take about two 1 hr naps during the day.

You are becoming so funny! You sit up all the time now and you are *this* close to crawling. You got your second ear infection this month and it got you down for a few days, but once your antibiotics kicked in you were back to your normal, happy self! No teeth yet and I honestly don't think you'll be getting any for awhile. You are becoming much more active and your little personality is coming out more and more.