
Friday, July 31, 2020

The Longest (and Shortest) Summer Ever


It's been awhile.

We've been up to a whole lot of swimming, spending lots of quality time together, and wondering when all this craziness will end. Summer has felt so long, but also I can't believe it's almost time for school to start (I think the fact that we've been off for almost 5 months isn't helping!).

We've really enjoyed our summer. Both Daniel and my birthday are in the summer, and the girls absolutely spoiled me for mine. They chose about 42 different party themes and decorated the house, and then cooked me a delicious breakfast. I make most of the meals around the home, so it was nice to not have to cook for a change!

We've also been spending tons of time in the pool. Even Violet is enjoying using her puddle jumpers and just floating around for about an hour before she's ready to get out! I've been getting a lot of use out of her reusable swim diaper too - it works just as good as the disposable ones and is so easy to wash after using.

We've also spent time at the playground in the morning when it's cooler and less busy. The girls love getting out of the house, even if just a few minutes.

We're enjoying the last few weeks before we have to get back into a school routine. While it probably won't look the same as last year, we'll still have to be more structured and I'm actually ready for a little bit more normalcy in our lives.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!