
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Baby #3 - 37 weeks pregnant

Goodness gracious, am I ready for this sweet little baby to be here! I am feeling very large, I can't sleep anymore, and my acid reflux is out of control. I was only dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced at the doctor this week, and I couldn't be more discouraged! Ha! Lots of walking and cleaning this weekend for me to try to urge baby along.

Size of Baby: around 6 lbs and 19 inches long

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27 lbs, which means this is the pregnancy I've gained the least amount of weight (thank the Lord!)

Gender: Surprise! 

Movement: This baby still finds a way to move around all the time, although I have no idea how.

Sleep: I fall asleep super fast, but wake up around 1-2 a.m. and can't go back to sleep.

What I miss: my energy. Not having baby brain.

What I am looking forward to: Seeing this sweet baby in two weeks or less! We set an induction date for November 24th if I haven't had the baby by then.

Cravings: Nothing really anymore. I'm at that point where I'm too uncomfortable to eat a lot.

Symptoms: Really just the very very very severe acid reflux.

Best Moment This Week: Scheduling an induction date!

You can see my 32 week update post with Emmie here, and my 37 weeks update post with Caroline here.