
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bunk Beds

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Growing up, I wanted bunk beds more than anything in the world. I didn’t share a room with a sibling, and my parents never felt like it was justified.

Well, today I was able to fulfill my childhood dream by getting the big girls bunk beds for their room.

I struggled with the decision of where to get them, and I almost pulled the trigger on a Pottery Barn kids set that was more than I wanted to spend. After hours of research online, I settled on this bunk bed from Amazon. Best part - free Prime shipping. Daniel was able to put it together in about 3 hours.

I finished the look by grabbing some mermaid sheets and a shiny comforter from Target. The girls are loving their new bed and I’m hoping this will help them be excited to stay in their bed and not come into our room.

There was a full bed in their bedroom before, and I feel like we have so much more space now. It also feels so much more grown up.

What have you done for your kids that you always wanted as a kid??