
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

6 months old!

Weight: 18.6 lbs at your 6 month appt!

Height: 26.5 inches at your 6 month appt!

Clothing Size:

 You don't fit in your 6 month anymore...we've made the switch to 9 month and you look much more comfortable! I just ordered you a Thanksgiving outfit, and I did 12 month...I'm hoping that it will fit properly when it gets here. The onesie below is 12 month...

Size 3 still, although you get them very full at night. We may need to use a different diaper for nighttime.


You eat 7 oz. four times a day. You also eat cereal mixed with fruit or veggies at breakfast and before bedtime. This month you tried squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, apples, and mangoes! I have yet to find something you won't eat.

Your hair is so long! It makes you look older than you are. Your eyes are still that pretty blue.

You are a very good sleeper now. You pretty much sleep through the night, unless you get turned around in your crib and start bumping your head against the crib. That makes you angry.

Your puppies make you sooooo happy. You light up anytime they are near you. You are trying to crawl but I think it's going to take you some time to figure it out. You really also loved going in your kiddie pool, although the picture above makes you look angry. You kept splashing the water and trying to dive in head first! I see swimming lessons in your future.