
Thursday, March 24, 2016

7 months old!

Around 15 lbs still.

Clothing Size:
9 month. It's a little roomy but fits better than the 6 month. 

Finally upgraded to size 3!

Eating 5-6 oz every 4 hours now (4 feedings a day). You love real food. You love trying different textures. You've tried rice, peas, green beans, bread, chicken, puffs, carrots, and potatoes. 

You are pretty much still bald on top of your head and your ears stick out. We call you Ross Perot.

As long as you feel ok, you sleep through the night. No consistent napping though. 

You can sit by yourself but you hate it. If I am within sight you want me holding you. You love texture in your food and you try anything! You have become very interested in your feet and play with them all the time. Everything you play with immediately goes in your mouth! You think the puppies are so funny and try to grab them when they walk past you. You also babble all the time now and you and Caroline will have lengthy conversations!