
Friday, June 24, 2016

10 months old!

 17.8 lb

Second child problems. Christmas in July.
No clue, but you are still a shorty.

Clothing Size:
Finally in 12 month! You can still squeeze into some of your 9 month, but 12 month fits great.

 Hanging with Uncle J.
Size 3.

I really think you are just done with bottles. You drink them 3 times a day, but its very hit or miss. I've been incorporating the sippy more and hopefully you will be completely done with bottles soon.
 Selfie time.
Your hair is really filling out. Your eyes are still a beautiful bluish grey. So pretty!
Real food is your life.
You are a champ at sleeping now - from 7 pm until about 6:30 am. Still two naps during the day for about an hour at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. 
 Swimming at Uncle J's house.
You have been teething FOREVER. I really think by the time you are one you will have all your teeth. You still aren't crawling, but you are getting braver trying to pull up on things and can stand fairly well holding on to something. You may just walk before crawling, and that's fine with me. You get around scooting on your butt and it doesn't seem to bother you that you aren't more mobile. You are such a good baby and are content going anywhere - whether it's to a birthday party, the store, etc. We got a swimming pool for you and your sister to play in, and I really think you may like it more than her! I have never seen a baby LOVE the water like you do. You also are such a fan of your puppy dogs - you try to grab them as they walk by! Love you bug!