
Thursday, September 24, 2015

1 month old!

You are 8 lb 12 oz. That is the 34th percentile

20.75 inches long - that is the 30th percentile

Clothing Size:
You still fit in newborn, but it's getting a little tight. You are starting to fit in 0-3 month in length, but it's still pretty roomy.

Still using newborn, however you could easily be using size 1. We have just a few newborn left and then we'll move on to size 1!

You max out at 2.5 ounces per feeding, sometimes 3 if we're lucky. You just fall asleep after that point and will.not.wake.up. You eat every 3 hours or so, and every 4 hours at night. You prefer breastfeeding to the bottle, but I'm trying to use more bottles to see if it will help you eat a little more at each feeding.

You still have a fairly full head of hair. You eyes are a very pretty blue.

You nap for 1-1.5 hours at a time during the day. It's a little harder to get you on a schedule since we have to leave the house to take/pick up your sister at school, and we run a lot more errands than I did with Caroline at this age. At night you sleep from about 8:30-midnight, and then 1 am - 5 am or so. You sleep in your rock and play at night, but after your 5 am feeding you sleep in the pack and play for a couple hours. I'm trying to break you of the rock and play habit - it's totally my fault and I don't want you to get used to sleeping in there!

Your sister really really really loves you. Sometimes too much :). She loves to "help" by shoving your pacifier in your mouth or force feeding you a bottle. You are so much calmer than your sister was at one month, probably because you don't have a choice! Caroline really loves being a big sister and I hope that continues as you get bigger and can actually play with her. The puppies don't seem to bother you too much and you don't really give them a second thought. You are such a happy baby and we love you so much, Emery Claire!