
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

9 months old!

16 lb 12 oz. You are finally in the 20s in percentile - 23rd to be exact!
 Hanging out watching your sister and Seth and Colin play.

27 in - 19th percentile. You are finally gaining some!!

Clothing Size:
9 month, and they are fitting perfectly. I think in the next month or so we will be able to start phasing in some of your 12 month summer outfits. 
Size 3. Tried to use some old size 2s we had, and that didn't go very well....
So happy to be 9 months old!
Well, you are still eating bottles 4 times a day when you feel up to it. Again, you've been teething so much it's very hit or miss. You eat solid foods like a champ though.
Your hair seems to be filling in a little bit!

You nap in your crib so well now! We just tuck your hippo under your arm and you are OUT. You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm every night.
Apparently fake food is better than the real thing.

The past few weeks have been pretty rough with you teething and refusing most bottles. To prevent dehydration and get some extra calories in you, I've been mixing your formula with mashed bananas, baby food, baby cereal, yogurt - really anything I can mix. You really do love solid food and will eat pretty much anything - so far, beans, yogurt, and bananas seem to be favorites. You are so so so so close to crawling, but it terrifies you at the same time so you get too scared to try to move. You are usually such a smiley, happy girl that it makes me especially sad when you don't feel good because of all those teeth! You have 6 in so far (3 on bottom, 3 on top), with at least 3 more actively coming in. Once we get past this round of teeth, I'm hoping we have a little bit of relief before your molars.