
Friday, August 24, 2018

Five on Friday: I wish summer could last forever

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Ah, summer. While it's still SO HOT here in Tennessee, it's starting to feel more and more like the daily grind of fall. I don't want summer to end! We've been soaking up the last little bits that we can.

__one__ The girls are LOVING their new swingset. I am so happy we ended up choosing a metal one and not a wooden one like we previously had. It seems so much sturdier and I am hopeful it will last a long time. Full disclosure - it took Daniel probably 16 hours to build by himself, and we probably should've just paid a few hundred bucks for someone to install it. But, he did a great job, and the girls saw their daddy work hard to put it together, so that's priceless, right? :)

__two__ The girls had a ton of fun at a friend's Star Wars themed birthday party a few weekends ago. It was super hot, but the kids still had lots of fun playing in a bounce house, eating wayyyyy too many sweets, and hitting a pinata one million times. 

__three__ Wednesday night, Daniel and I divided and conquered with the kids. I had lots of stuff to get for Emmie's birthday party this weekend, so I took her with me to run errands. While we were out, we stopped for dinner at Firehouse (free kids night!) and they had a local vendor making balloon animals for the kid. She was SO EXCITED to pick out a puppy and carried it with her all night.

__four__ Against my better judgment, I took Caroline with me to a local paint store and let her pick out the new color for their bedroom. Our house is ALL THE SAME COLOR TAN and it's been driving me crazy. Luckily, the pink she picked didn't turn out too bright and they absolutely love the color. I love how their custom ballerina painting a coworker made for me looks against the pink. So sweet and perfect for their age. 

__five__ This weekend will be filled with a Minnie Mouse party for my favorite 3 year old, but today is Ems' official birthday. I think I would be a little sadder if I wasn't pregnant with baby #3, but it's hard to believe my current baby is already 3. She's as stubborn as her mom, but has the funniest personality and keeps us laughing all the time. I am so grateful she's mine. Happy birthday, bug!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Baby #3 - 25 Weeks Pregnant

Well, I'm getting close to the third trimester and it feels like we just announced this pregnancy yesterday. This third time around has given me no time to feel prepared or think about what's really about to happen. We have the crib set up, diapers bought, and a few gender neutral clothes purchased, so we're essentially ready, right?

Size of Baby: A rutabaga......13.5 inches long and 1.5 lbs.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Around 15 lbs so far. This last month or so has not been kind to me.

Maternity Clothes: From now on, this section is rather pointless, as I don't fit in anything else.

Gender: Surprise! This week I'm thinking boy.

Movement: all.the.time. I hope this doesn't mean this baby will be up from sun up to sun down.

Sleep: Sleeping better lately. Harder to fall asleep but sleeping pretty good through the night.

What I miss: I'm looking forward to a sushi meal in the hospital when this nugget is born!

What I am looking forward to: Honestly, just soaking up these last few months that I'm pregnant. This is definitely our last pregnancy, so I'm trying to enjoy everything about it.

Cravings: Any form of dessert. Brownies, cake, candy, etc.

Symptoms: Still a lot of acid reflux. Other than that, no major symptoms.

Best Moment This Week: Hearing Caroline's excitement about the babe. She keeps asking when it will be here. Soon, sweet girl.

You can see my 25 week update post with Emmie here, and my 24 weeks update post with Caroline here.
Friday, August 3, 2018

Five on Friday: August 2018

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__one__ I go to the doctor later today for my 23 week checkup, and I am scared to get on the scale. Y'all, I look HUGE compared to how I feel I looked like with the girls. Maybe that means boy, or maybe that just is what happens with the 3rd kid? Either way, I feel like a whale.

__two__ Last weekend, the girls wanted to swim in their new pool I got super cheap on Prime Day, so I loaded it up with water and put their slide in there. They played in that thing for 2 hours and slept so amazing that night. I wish I would've busted it out sooner this summer! I was able to work in the garage and get a lot done while they played and ate lots of popsicles.

__three__ I kept debating on buying a new swingset for our new house, but after a few trips to the school playground, I decided it was worth the investment with the new baby on the way. I can't wait until it gets delivered and Daniel gets a free day (or three) to build it. I did ALOT of research, but finally settled on a metal variety from Lifetime Adventure. It has great reviews all over the internet, and I think the girls will love the castle feel. 
Lifetime Adventure Tower Playset 

__four__ Okay mommas of 3 or more kids. I need advice on the best SUV for three car seats. I'm leaning towards a GMC Acadia or Volkswagen Atlas with bucket seats in the second row. Hubby drives a Suburban, so I don't want anything huge, but I REEEEEEEALLLY don't want a minivan. I just can't. I know their great and blah, blah, blah, but I want something I enjoy too.

But in all seriousness, give me your advice!! I need it!

__five__ I'm looking forward to a weekend of birthday parties, gymnastics, and dropping the girls off at my parents Saturday night and enjoying a night off! Related image