
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Labor Day Recap

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We had the BEST time enjoying some family time this past weekend. I love having that extra day to get some errands done and spend some more quality time with the girls, especially now that Caroline is in Kindergarten and we can't just keep her home on a whim anymore.

Saturday, we went to gymnastics and then spent most of the day watching college football. We are Auburn fans here (war eagle!) and in true Auburn fashion they almost gave me a heart attack. Luckily we pulled out the win and I'm hopeful for our season.

Sunday, we went to one of our friend's houses and swam in the pool! Caroline got so brave and was jumping off the diving board without floaties and swimming to the ladder by herself. I am so glad she's gained confidence swimming and she's actually able to swim fairly well by herself. Now, if we can just get Emmie to get water in her eyes we'll possibly have two swimmers....

Monday, my mom came up and we had a full day of shopping! While we were out, Caroline asked if she could get her ears pierced. I've never been in a Justice store, but there's one in our mall, and they do ear piercings. I was certain they were going to tell me they were booked up with piercings, but they were able to squeeze us in and she barely flinched when they pierced them. She is so brave and her ears look so cute. Emmie was going to do it too, but once she watched Caroline she backed out.

When we got home, Emmie and I spent some time having a water balloon fight, which lasted all of 1 minute after I spent 15 minutes making water balloons. Next time, I'm definitely investing in the bunch-o-balloons so I don't have to fight with the hose. After the water balloon fight, Emmie practiced riding her new bike she got for her birthday.

And that's a wrap on our weekend! Now we're counting down the days until our beach trip for fall break!