
Saturday, November 29, 2014

10 months old!

Weight: 21.8 lbs according to the scale at home. That's the 75th-90th percentile.

Height: Around 29 in. You are probably longer, but I was being conservative. That's between the 50th-75th percentile.

Clothing Size:
12-18 month solidly now. Still 12 month pajamas.

Size 4. I tried using up the packages of size 3's we had, but it didn't go well.

You are starting to not want baby food, so you basically eat whatever we eat. At daycare, you eat off the big kid menu as well. You've tried pancakes, waffles, mandarin oranges, and more. You also ate what we at at Thanksgiving. You tried some of Oma's cranberry jello and it was your FAVORITE! You also love yogurt melts as a snack.

You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You usually take one good morning nap, and sometimes we can get an afternoon nap out of you.

You have started pulling up on everything and you want to walk desperately. You love playing at daycare and you are getting into EVERYTHING. You still have no teeth - I am enjoying the gummy smile while you still have it. You went and visited your new cousin Annabella in Atlanta this month. It was your first trip out of state. You did GREAT in the car, but you absolutely refused to sleep at their house. We packed up at 1 am and drove back home.