
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Three months old!

The scale at home says you are around 14 lbs. I'd say you are around 13.5-14.5.

You are way too wiggly to measure at home! You go to the doctor at the end of May for your next round of shots, so we'll find out then. 

Clothing Size:
 You wear 3-6 month clothes solidly now. Yesterday you started wearing 6 month pajamas. I kept you in the 3 month as long as possible, but you just didn't fit anymore! The 6 month are a tiny bit big, but you seem much more comfortable.

Size 2. You took size 1 to daycare, and you kept having blowouts. The size 2 are definitely helping prevent that now! Luckily we have had just the right amount of diapers in the stockpile for each size so far.

You eat around every 3.5-4 hours and you are sleeping through the night (thank you!!)! You take your last feeding at 8 pm and you sleep until around 6-7 am. 

Your hair is continuing to get longer. It's so cute! Your eyes are still a very pretty blue color. 

You sleep really well now. Some nights you'll fuss around 2-3 am, but once we reswaddle and stick the pacifier back in your mouth you're all better. 

You are normally such a happy girl. You love to smile. You still do not enjoy tummy time, but your neck is getting stronger. You started daycare at 11 weeks and seem to enjoy it. The daycare workers say you are doing great! You did get your first cold this past week and you are so pitiful sniffling and trying to breathe through your nose. It breaks my heart, and we've had lots of snuggles while you aren't feeling well. Even though you have a cold, you still have such a good attitude!! I'm ready for you to kick this cold so you can start sleeping better again, for both of our sakes!