
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Emmie's birthday

Sunday night around 6 pm I started having what I felt like were contractions. I honestly thought at first it was just false labor, since she wasn't due for two weeks. We grilled steaks, I gave Caroline a bath, took a shower, and then headed for bed. When I laid down, the contractions started getting stronger, so I began timing them.  They were about 7 min apart so I tried to sleep.  I finally fell asleep around 10:30 but tossed and turned all night. At 4 am, I couldn't sleep anymore and started timing them again.

These contractions were much more painful, but they were ranging from 5-9 min apart. Daniel went on to work at my request, and then I realized I didn't know if I'd be able to carry Caroline downstairs when she woke up I was in so much pain. My mom got to the house around 7 am to handle her. My contractions now didn't seem so bad, but they still hadn't gone away. At 8, I told Daniel he might want to come home. 

Still skeptical, I called my doctor and they confirmed I should at least go to the hospital and get checked out. I was SO sure I wasn't in labor I was quite annoyed to go. Daniel got home around 9 am and we got to the hospital around 9:30. At this point my contractions were even more infrequent. I got registered and the nurse said lets get checked out. She did an exam and to my surprise I was 6 cm, and we were told we would have a baby by the end of the day!

Around 11 I got my epidural. And at 12:30 the doctor broke my water. After my water was broken my contractions got stronger and by 3:15 we were ready to push. Two sets of pushes later Emery Claire made her debut at 3:32 pm! She was 7 lb. 3 oz. and 19.5 inches of perfection!

Monday, August 17, 2015

37 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A bunch of swiss chard, 19 in long and 6.3 lb.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 30 lb

Movement: Not as often, but when she does move it HURTS!

Sleep: Harder to get comfortable to fall asleep, but once I do I am pretty much out.

What I miss: Just having energy. Which probably won't come back any time soon!

Cravings: Sweets. Still eating dessert every night.

Symptoms:VERY swollen feet. They sometimes don't even fit in my shoes.

Best Moment This Week: Getting lots of stuff crossed off the to-do list (I actually shampooed carpets and Daniel installed new sink faucets in the girls' bathroom!), and officially being
"full term"
Monday, August 10, 2015

36 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A head of romaine lettuce, 18.5 in long and 6 lb.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27 lb

Movement: Movement is definitely slowing down. I think she's running out of room to be too crazy in there.

Sleep: Sleeping better, still waking up a ton to pee.

What I miss: Not being swollen and having energy to do ANYTHING

Cravings: Still eating everything in sight.

Symptoms: Swollen, cranky, nesting.

Best Moment This Week: Making a to-do list of everything I want to get done before she gets here. It's a least organized my thoughts and I'm hoping we can make some progress this week.

Monday, August 3, 2015

35 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A honeydew melon, 18 in long and 5.25 lb.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think I'm probably still right around 25-30 lb.

Movement: VERY VERY active at night still. Sometimes to the point where it hurts and I am very uncomfortable.

Sleep: I will sleep really well one night, and then not sleep the next 3 nights. It's just very hit or miss.

What I miss: Unswollen ankles, picking up Caroline without straining

Cravings: Any food, unfortunately. I'm hungry all the time.

Symptoms: Just very tired and swollen. I don't want to move a whole lot.

Best Moment This Week: I just can't believe that we are really at the point where she can come anytime. It's crazy to think towards the beginning of this pregnancy we weren't sure we would make it to 35 weeks, and now we're still going strong with no end in sight. I am very thankful for her health and that she is growing!