
Saturday, October 24, 2015

2 months old!


10 lb. 10 oz. (28th percentile)


22 inches. (24th percentile)

Clothing Size:
0-3 months or 3 months, depending on the brand. Your legs are kind of short so pants don't fit very well at the moment!

You are wearing size 1. They fit perfectly.

You eat 3 oz at a time now. I dont know if you are going through a growth spurt, but you are now wanting to eat every 2.5 hours, even at night! That is making mommy very exhausted, but if you are hungry you obviously need to eat. I don't see you sleeping through the night ANY time soon.

Dark brown hair and still very very pretty blue eyes!
You have started sleeping in the pack and play at night, and I think you would do fine in your crib, I am just too lazy to move you in your room since you are waking up so often to eat! You go down around 8 pm, wake up around 11:30-midnight, and wake up again around 4:30 am. It's very tiring but you are just so hungry! I wish you would eat more at one sitting instead of little bits throughout the day.

You are really a very easy going baby. We took you and your sister to the zoo at 7 weeks old, and you slept through the whole thing! Your sister still LOVES you lots, and you light up when she's in the room (or it could be because you are scared of her..she can be a little loud and intimidating!). You really are my errand buddy - you go anywhere and everywhere with me and just hang out in the cart/stroller/car seat. I go back to work in a week and I am going to miss spending all day with you. You love to snuggle on the couch and just smile and coo all day long.