
Monday, May 25, 2015

25 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A rutabaga...13.5 inches and 1.5 pounds!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 13 lbs

Movement: You can start seeing the movement outside my belly now. She's definitely getting stronger.

Sleep: Sleeping better, minus waking up to pee.

What I miss: Just being able to move around easier.

What I am looking forward to: picking out the paint for the nursery!

Cravings: still Mexican food all the time, and Firehouse subs. I could eat that for every meal.

Symptoms: Leg cramps

Best Moment This Week: Buying the first thing for the nursery - curtains and a crib skirt!
Monday, May 11, 2015

23 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A papaya...8 inches and 1.2 pounds!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10 lbs

Movement: She is very active now, especially at night.

Sleep: Harder to fall asleep lately, and still waking up 2-3 times a night to pee.

What I miss: Rolling around with Caroline

What I am looking forward to: picking out a crib and nursery decorations

Cravings: still Mexican food all the time

Symptoms: Tired, harder to get around

Best Moment This Week: Feeling the stronger kicks