
Monday, December 29, 2014

11 months old!

11 months old!

Weight: 22.8 lb


Clothing Size:
12-18 month solidly now. Still 12 month pajamas.

Size 4, and I think you'll be in these for a long time.
You really just eat whatever we eat now. You tried hard boiled eggs this month and that's a new favorite of yours. You still love bananas best. You also had ham at Christmas and you really enjoyed that as well. The only food you've tried that you didn't like was avocados. We tried them again yesterday, and you just smashed them into your high chair. You eat everything else though - peas, carrots, oranges, pineapple, asparagus, roast, potatoes - really anything!

You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You have been taking one good morning nap lately (around 2 hrs) and no afternoon nap. You still don't sleep at daycare.

Your first tooth is coming in! It's not all the way in yet, but one of your bottom middle teeth is sooo close to breaking all the way through. Its so weird to see it in your mouth. We've gone so long without teeth I was starting to fear you wouldn't get any.

You had a great first Christmas. You got so many toys you don't know what to play with. Your favorite toy is a riding elephant Oma and Oma got you. You push that thing around everywhere. You got to see your Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Troy, Catie, Erica, Mom Mom, Grandad, Uncle Justin, Oma, and Opa. You were the life of the party everywhere you went.