
Monday, April 6, 2015

18 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: A bell pepper...5.5 inches and 7 ounces!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 lbs

Maternity clothes: I've gotten away with some non maternity shirts and dresses. But forget about pants - there is no way I am fitting into those. 

Gender: another sweet baby girl

Movement: getting stronger!

Sleep: I wake up at least 4 times a night to pee. And it's exhausting. 

What I miss: being able to pick Caroline up easily. 

What I am looking forward to: figuring a name out for this baby girl!

Cravings: Mexican food and Firehouse subs. I could eat a sub for every meal.

Symptoms: Just really tired!

Best Moment This Week: Starting to feel this baby wiggle around.