
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Violet Joy: Nine Months

20.8 lbs., or 86th percentile (you are a big girl!)

28 3/4 inches, or 84th percentile 

Clothing Size:
18 month clothes pretty consistently now. Can't even get 12 month onesies buttoned!
Still squeezing into size 3, but wearing 4s at night.

You drink about 3 bottles per day, around 7 oz. each time plus regular food ALL DAY LONG! You love fruit - blueberries, grapes, strawberries and you also like cheese, rice, peas, macaroni, and anything else we'll let you get your hands on.

Best sleeper ever.

This month you got your 2 front bottom teeth! You were a little cranky (which for you, is a breeze, because you a little cranky is like most babies all the time). Now that you've got some teeth, you really enjoy eating real food and it's made life easier for all of us. You are crawling SO FAST and trying to pull up on all the furniture. You're able to climb stairs which is impressive and terrifying at the same time. At your 9 month checkup you passed your developmental screen with flying colors! We are starting to notice you cross your eyes like Caroline, so we've got an appointment with the ophthalmologist later this month.