
Monday, September 29, 2014

8 months old!

Weight: 20.6 lb

Height: 28 inches!

Clothing Size:
You are definitely in 12 month now. We still use 9 month pajamas, but I think within the next week or so you will be using your 12 month pajamas (and unfortunately, your Thanksgiving pajamas are 9 month size! That's okay, because you've been wearing them anyway).

Size 3 is getting snug, but you are still in the right weight for them. I don't want to move you to size 4 until we absolutely have to, because we still have SO many size 3. 
You now eat 6 oz of formula four times a day, and a fruit/veggie/yogurt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You've also recently tried some "real" food - scrambled eggs, stuffing, and white rice. You don't like the texture of real food, but it's growing on you. You also stopped spitting your puffs out when I would stick them in your mouth. You finally realized they would dissolve if you gave them a chance! Still no teeth to eat with, but that's okay. You will be trying meat here in the next week or so.

Your hair is still a pretty light brown, and your eyes are still the prettiest shade of blue. They are definitely here to stay.
You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You also still take two naps during the day, usually around 1-1.5 hours each.

You love to mimic what your Oma does - you wave byebye, blow raspberries on command, and you absolutely LOVE when I pretend to use your pacifier. You think that's the funniest thing in the whole wide world. You can be very demanding when you are hungry (but who can blame you!). You can get around and you can now get to a sitting position by yourself. You are starting to take interest in pulling up on things (the table, etc.) but you aren't quite there yet. You are my little mobile monkey and I love you!