
Sunday, January 24, 2016

5 months old!

Weight: 14.2 lbs on the home scale - around 20th percentile


Clothing Size:
6 month clothing and pajamas fit you perfectly now. You have stubby little legs, so some of the pants are a little long, but everything else fits perfectly.
Size 2 fits great now. I found a random size 1 about a week ago and we used it with no problems, but the size 2 fits you better.

Still eating every 3 hours, but you are consistently eating 4-5 oz at a time. You take a pretty big bottle right before bed, and you have slept through the night but it's still not consistent. You tried baby food for the first time yesterday, and you did okay. You ate about 1/4 jar of bananas.
You still have a bald spot on the top of your head, but the rest of your hair is getting pretty long. It makes you look like an old man :) Your eyes are still a pretty blue!

You sleep in your own crib all night. You are sleeping better, but you still keep us on our toes. You will go 4 nights in a row sleeping through the night, and then have a night where you are up ALL NIGHT long.

When we put you on your play mat, you are immediately on your tummy. You love watching your sister and you think she is just the most hilarious thing on this planet. You love to laugh when I pretend to bite your hands. You love snuggling with your daddy in bed and fall immediately asleep when cuddling with him. You sit up great in the bumbo seat and even can sit fairly unassisted with the boppy around you. You are tiny but you are very strong!

You just got your first tooth! You had been a little fussy, but we didn't give it much thought since your sister didn't get a tooth until she was 11 months old. But there it is - on the bottom with the one right next to it waiting to poke through too!