
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

28 weeks pregnant

Size of Baby: An eggplant, 15 in. and 2.5 lb

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Right around 20 lbs (I think)

Movement: She moves all the time, but especially at night or if I have eaten something sweet.

Sleep: I wake up every 2 hours on the dot to go to the bathroom. Luckily it doesn't usually take me too long to fall back asleep.

What I miss: Sleeping comfortably

What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery

Cravings: M&Ms. Brownies. Anything chocolately

Symptoms: Acid reflux and leg cramps, and just general back pain.

Best Moment This Week: We went to visit our friends newborn this week, and Caroline got to see me hold a baby for the first time. She wasn't happy, but it just showed me we need to work on her jealousy before Emery gets here.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

27 weeks pregnant!

Size of Baby: A cucumber, 15 in. and 2.2 lb

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Right around 16-17 lbs.

Movement: She moves all the time early morning and at night! During the day she's a little quieter, but randomly I will feel a strong kick.

Sleep: Not great...still waking up lots to pee and it's harder for me to fall asleep.

What I miss: My energy

What I am looking forward to: Seeing her again on Monday with our ultrasound

Cravings: Mexican and sweets. I want dessert at every meal.

Symptoms: My acid reflux is coming back and it's only going to get worse.

Best Moment This Week: Getting her room cleared out and buying the crib and dresser.