
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Caroline - 5 years old

My sweet oldest girl turned 5 a month ago, and I thought it would be fun to ask her some questions and see how they change over the years. Here are her responses:

How old are you? 5
What is your favorite TV show? In the Loud House

What is your favorite thing about school? playing and having fun with my friends

The thing I'm best at is... I'm smart

My favorite movie is Ariel (Little Mermaid)

My favorite color is all the colors

My favorite food is macaroni and cheese

My best friend is Emma and Zoe

My favorite sport is football (all of them that Daddy watches)

My favorite toy is My Skye

My favorite animal is monkeys

My favorite holiday is Halloween

What is your favorite thing Mommy does with you? play with each other

What is your favorite thing Daddy does with you? play with each other too

What is your favorite fruit? grapes

What is your favorite book? Piggie and Gerald

What is your favorite thing about Emmie? playing with her 

What is your favorite thing about Violet? having fun with her and playing with her
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Violet: 3 Months

Sweet Violet, how are you already two months old? I feel like you just got here and also that you've been part of the family forever. You have fit in so seamlessly and have brought us all so much joy.

The scale at home says exactly 13 lbs. That is the 54th percentile, so you are tracking right on where you were last month.

Clothing Size:
6 month. You are WAY too tall for 3 month clothing.

Size 2, and I'm thinking you won't be in these for long. Your torso is just so long they fit you awkwardly.

You have been following the Mom's on Call schedule for 2-4 months, and you're doing great. 5 feedings a day, 5-6 oz. per feeding.

A little more hair is coming in, and your eyes are still blue!

You do great. You take random naps during the day, but you sleep fairly consistently through the night, unless your belly hurts. You don't ever feed during the night.

You are still a happy, content little girl that loves to watch her sisters and play on your Piano Gym. You rolled over for the first time from belly to back a few weeks ago, and you are able to move off of your piano gym onto the floor by inching yourself little by little. I think you are going to be a very active girl once you start crawling, and I'm not ready for that! We all think you are just amazing, and you were exactly what our family didn't know we needed.