
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

9 months old!

Weight: 20 lb 11 oz

Height: 28.25 inches
Clothing Size:
You wear 12 or 12-18 month now. 9 month is now too small.

Size 4. We still have a few size 3 left, so I try to use those on the weekends.
You feeding schedule is the same, but we have been incorporating more "real" food into your diet. This past weekend your Oma and I took you to a Japanese restaurant and they gave you a plate of fried rice. You LOVED it! You also got it everywhere. It was cute watching you eat like a big girl at the restaurant.
Your hair has gotten so much longer. The back has really grown in too. Your eyes are still that blue!
You go to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wake up around 7 each morning. You still take two naps (morning and afternoon) but you fight the afternoon one.

You have become VERY active and get into everything. You especially love trying to play with the dog's water bowl. You are trying to pull up on things and get frustrated when you fall. You are starting a new daycare on Monday, to one closer to our house, and I am interested to see how it goes. You loved your old daycare and especially loved stealing all the babies' pacifiers. I hope you like this new one just as much!