
Thursday, December 24, 2015

4 months old!

12 lbs, 14 oz (16th percentile)

23.75 inches (12th percentile)

Clothing Size:
You are officially in 6 month clothing and most pajamas! They are a little roomy but look much more comfortable than the 3 month clothes.
You just switched to size 2. They honestly have seemed a little big, but I found a random size 1 this morning, and when I put it on you it seemed SO tight. So I think the 2s are the perfect size for now.

You still eat every 3 hours, and you consistently eat 4 ounces at a feeding now. You no longer take a night feeding, but that doesn't mean you are sleeping through the night.

Your hair is growing, growing, growing! I keep telling your sister that you have more hair than her since she keeps pulling hers out. I hope you aren't a hair puller, because it's so pretty.

You finally have moved to your crib, but you end up in our room usually around 3 am. At that point, I just give up.

You are seriously the most easygoing baby. You are quite content to just hang out and be with the family, either in your rock n play or sitting on someone's lap. I tried giving you cereal a few nights ago and you were not feeling it at all. I don't blame you, as it tastes like glue and does not seem appetizing (side note: your sister loved the cereal). 
You are starting to laugh and coo and make so much noise. You are SO good at rolling over from back to tummy, and sometimes you get from tummy to back but sometimes you give up and just scream. You also act like you are trying to crawl (although I know you are nowhere near strong enough to actually do so). You are such a happy girl and the perfect addition to our family.