
Thursday, May 29, 2014

4 months old!

At your 4 month appt you were 15 lb 7 oz. That is the 80th percentile.

At your 4 month appt you were 25 in long. That is the 81st percentile. Combined you are in the 66th percentile for weight/height.
Clothing Size:
Definitely 6 month size. It wouldn't surprise me if we had to pull out some 9 month here soon. The 6t month fit fine in the width, but they are a little hard to button as far as the length goes.
Size 2, however this past weekend you had 3 blowouts, so we may be moving to size 3 in the next week or so (if we can get through these last few packages of 2s we have - I already took 3 packages back to the store that I knew we wouldn't use in time!)

You just tried cereal for the first time and you do NOT like it. I'm going to keep trying every night just to see if you get used to it. I think the spoon confuses you.

Your hair is still a pretty brown and your eyes are a gorgeous blue!

You have started sleeping through the night again now that your cold is under control.

You rolled over from tummy to back for the first time last week, and it wouldn't surprise me if you rolled from back to tummy anytime now. You are super close! We took you to get your 4 month shots last Friday, and unfortunately you had a double ear infection (total surprise - you weren't fussy at all!) so they postponed your shots a week. Once you were on the antibiotics for a few days you started acting MUCH happier.