
Friday, December 11, 2020

Two weeks until Christmas - Kids gift edition


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 It's two weeks until Christmas, and I'm completely done shopping for the girls!

I'll admit, Christmas shopping isn't terribly difficult for a 2, 5, and 6 year old. Add in the fact they are all the same gender, and it's almost too easy.

First up, some of fun items I got the older girls this Christmas!

I actually gave this to the kids early because I was so excited to play it. It's sooooo much easier (and shorter!) than regular Monopoly, and the kids think they are fancy because there are debit/credit cards! I'd say for anyone 7 and under, this is a great way to play Monopoly without getting super frustrated.

My big girls have recently really gotten into Barbies, and I found the most fun Barbie helicopter (that came in a much bigger box than I was expecting!).



I also decided to get them both a Barbie Color Reveal - I'm guessing it's going to be similar to LOL Surprise dolls which they are also OBSESSED with. 



Caroline has been begging and begging us for more Lego sets. I got sick of spending so much money on sets that she didn't want to take apart, so I got her the 1500+ piece classic legos - which hopefully will end up giving her hours of fun.



We love Melissa and Doug toys at our house (amazing quality) and I can't wait to help Caroline and Emmie learn the states with this USA floor puzzle.


For my littlest love, I splurged on a lightning deal for a Bounce house.

It'll either be a super fun activity for all 3, or a sure fire way to send the kids to the emergency room!

What are the top items on your kids lists this year?


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